in cooperation with Novitech

The main challenge and objective of all policy makers both on EU and on Member state levels is a sustainable society. Our study conducted on level of Slovak Republic shows 3 core interrelated components which achieve this objective:

  • Practical experiment transforming administrative building into the net zero energy building shows that proper selection of the technologies allows transformation without subsides. 87% reduction of the primary energies and 96% reduction of the carbon emission have been achieved comparing to the year 1996. The limit of the transformation lies in the energy market organisation which creates economic barriers and prevents competition.
  • Study of energy market shows importance of the social cost of the carbon emission used in the form of the green credits and consumption tax which in dynamic interrelation could create driving force for transformation of the market and at the same time stable market environment suitable for the long term investment. The study shows interrelation between energy, carbon emissions and GDP and between energy technologies and future pensions.
  • Observed facts from 10 years long transformation of the PAYG social security system in Slovakia into I. and II. Pillar indicates that new distribution of roles between state and private sector is needed for pension reforms. This will solve inequality issue among insured persons and remove conflict of interest between asset and account management creating at present extra cost and squeezing down the future pensions. Individual accounts create the base for new arrangement of intergeneration transfers within the three generation family and could solve the free ride problem and large family disintegration.

All studies showed that corruption creates the basic limit for the transformation into the society based on the innovation.

Host and speaker


Attila Tóth
Chairman of the Board, Novitech, Slovakia


Dušan Lukášik,


Member of the Board
  • Graduate in electrotechnics (1978). Doctorate in physics and mathematics (1980)
  • Research and development in Tesla Liptovský Hrádok , Slovakia, Telecomm industry (1981 – 1991)
  • Capital markets ( 1992 – 1995)
  • Research of transformation of social and pension system in Slovakia – advisor to ministry for labour, family and social affairs ( 1999 -2002)
  • Member of the board in Novitech j.s.c. ,Košice ( 2002 – 2004)
  • Advisory to Chairman of the Economy Committee of Slovak parliament ( 2007 – 2012)
  • Research and development of transformation building into building with nearly zero energy consumption ( 2000 - )
  • Member of the convocation of Civil Engineering Faculty Technical University Of Košice, Slovakia
  • Research and development of transformation of energy market towards renewable energy,
  • Member of the board of Centre of Economy Study of Renewable Energy and Distribution Systems, Košice ( 2008 - )

Follow up

Dear Mr Lukášik,

On behalf of our President, Dr Friedhelm Schmider and Dr Roland Strauss, K4I Managing Director, we would like to thank you very much for your valuable contribution as our guest speaker to the 5th European Innovation Summit, which took place in the European Parliament in Brussels, between the 30th September and the 3rd October.

We are proud to have been able to bring together some of the most active innovation practitioners, researchers, decision-makers, and industry leaders, and to have provided them with the unique opportunity to help shape the future of innovation in Europe. This year’s Summit featured more than 150 speakers and 1000 participants in a series of sessions and debates.

We are pleased to inform you that the outcome of this year’s Summit will be available on our website before the end of this month. You will also be able to view and download the photos from all events on the K4I website before Friday, 11 October.

We would also like to upload your Power point presentations (please disregard this point if you have not used one) on the K4I website. In case you would not prefer to be shared, please inform us by Wednesday, 9 October, close of business.

Finally, we would like to ask you to take part in a short evaluation survey, which will help us find any shortcomings in the organization of the Summit and give us valuable ideas for the preparation of the next EIS. Please find the link to the survey below:

5th EIS Evaluation Survey

Thank you again for being part of such a wonderful Summit experience. It was our pleasure to work with you and we hope that our cooperation will continue in the future. Please do not hesitate to approach us for any feedback, input and ideas regarding further cooperation.

With best wishes,
Iskren Marinov
K4I Secretariat

Square de Meeus 35

Tel: +32 (0) 223 3545-1
Fax: +32 (0) 223 3545-9

5th EIS|Outcome