About us

A common integrating idea of presented materials lies in fact that all research is focus to find the sustainable solution of the presented problem, whether it is pension system, energy market or transformation of the building.

Existential dimension of the crisis

We have analyzed full set of markets since 1995. A broader view on the problem disclosed that crisis of 2008 on financial markets is just a peak of long time non recovery transformation process. Such transformations are accompanied with value change. We have identified two different problems. First one is well known climate change. The second one we have identified crisis of technology suitable to transform energy provided by nature to the form suitable for real time human economy processes. We believe that transformation to sustainable society based on renewable energies with the least possible cost is the answer to present economy problems. Eco technologies like nano, bio technologies and renewable technology will be driving force for the next few decades. We have pointed out that price of the energy and access to it is one of the main factors which contribute to the standard of the living of the society. Because of the long term investment the quality of the build energy infrastructure will create the base asset for the pension system. Transformation towards sustainable society means solving relation of individuality and society but also relation society and individuals to the nature.

The Centre on Economy of Renewable Energy and Distribution System has been formed in the year 2008 as Statutory Partnership Association in order to study economy rules of such transformation. Founders are:

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,
The Technical University of Košice,
University of Economics in Bratislava,
HONORS, a.s., Liptovský Mikuláš,

Registration No : 355 78 165

Seat: Murgašova 3, 040 01 Košice.

Pension system

Our research includes social security system with the focus on pension system and transformation of Pay – as – you - go system into Pillar I and Pillar II solution. With Ľubo Ružek we have tried to formulate solutions for sustainable pension system in the years 1994 and 1995. The work was focused mainly on voluntary Pillar as supplement to mandatory social system. We came back to the topic of pension system late 1999. Different models with possible scenarios have been presented to Minister Mr. Peter Magvaši and his team of specialist from Ministry of labor, social affairs and family in January 2000. Since that event we continued our work for next three years. A consistent model of transformation pension system has been developed. The time has tested the principles and quality of our approach. The basic of the transformation Pay – as – you – go system into systems consists from Pillar I and Pillar II lies in proper distribution of functions between public finance and private sector. To some extend we have adopted ideas from organization of pension system in Canada.

The review of the work has been done in the year 2007 and 2009, respectively. The disclosed facts proved that our approach could be taken as realistic approach to the problem. Our view on the problem of social system has been discussed in Slovak Parliament in December 2007 and published in Parlamentný kuriér 6/2009. In the year 2012 we formulated proposal to Prime Minister Mr. Robert Fico.

Transformation towards net zero energy building and energy market

Experiments regarding transformation of the administration building ( 5 000 m2 ) towards green building and next net zero energy building is a result of cooperation with František Vranay and Ľudovít Tkáčik during years 2006 to 2013. Systemic approach to the transformation process has been analyzed and understood in cooperation with Milan Bielek.

Concept of transformation of the energy market has been developed together with former general directors of the district heat companies and energy experts Ľudovít Tkáčik and Ján Ferenci. Our solution is based on social cost of carbon emission in form of green credits and consumption tax. Both fossil and renewable energy has non discriminative access to the common energy market. We use green credits as incentives and consumption tax as a penalty. This construction drives the market towards renewable energy sources. We have shown that rather cooperative and in the same time concurrency market organization is more economically effective than pure concurrency market organization. A knowledge curve for green credits has been developed as a tool suitable for technology selection.

5th European Innovation Summit Brussels in October 2013

The presentation on 5th European Innovation Summit Brussels in October 2013 is a result of my long term cooperation and relation to Attila Toth, founder of NOVITECH, j.s.c. In our presentation we have shown main regulatory barriers regarding innovation on the field of renewable energy and identified major bottlenecks which are responsible for poor progress in transformation towards sustainable society based on renewable energy. A very transparent transformation of the carbon emission as part of the energy market has been introduced. In the same time we have shown that corruption seems to be the main society problem within EU which squeezes down the wealth of the society. We have demonstrated that Corruption Perception Index released by Transparency International act as standard risk premium.

All projects presented here have been financed via HONORS, j.s.c. without any subsidies in any form.