Dear Dušan,
Knowledge4Innovation is delighted to invite you to a special K4I Forum debate and reception: “Wake up Europe: A Call for Action - The Right Innovation Framework and Instruments to Secure Europe’s Future Competitiveness and Living Standards”. The event, which will be hosted by MEP Lambert Van Nistelrooij, will take place on Tuesday 26th March from 6pm until 9pm in the Members´ Restaurant of the European Parliament in Brussels.

During the first half of the event, innovation stakeholders will provide concrete proposal as to how barriers to innovation can be overcome. Following the aforementioned presentations, European institution representatives will respond to the proposed suggestions and participants will be invited to join the discussion and provide short statements. The debate will be followed by a networking reception. Please find below the Abstract and the Draft Agenda of the event.


At a time of unprecedented challenges, Europe’s competitiveness and standard of living are threatened. Economic forecasts for 2050 paint a dark scenario – economic decline, an ageing population, social capital and labor force shortage, increased energy, food and water constraints, and a challenging role for the EU on the global stage. However,

we believe, that with the right policy instruments and a legislative framework in support of innovation we can revert this negative trend. The objective of the dinner debate is to deliver a Wakeup Call to policy-makers, highlight the main problems regarding the future of innovation in Europe and draw up proposals for immediate actions.


  • Which are the main regulatory barriers impeding Innovation in Europe?
  • How to ensure a growing European economy in the years to come?
  • What are the prerequisites for developing a new innovation model in which people are at the heart of innovation?
  • How can Europe regain its lost global political and economic significance and compete with emerging economies?


  • Propose an agenda, which ensures stronger integration and more synergies along the innovation value chain.
  • Review the current regulatory framework, identify the major bottlenecks and present concrete measures for improvement.
  • Establish a sound risk approach based on qualitative science and ways to reverse the anti-technology sentiment that inhibits European development
  • Ensure that the potential of patent protection, standardisation, Public Private Partnerships and smart regulation is fully exploited in order to bring ideas to the market.


Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP, Chair of the K4I Forum of the European Parliament

Proposals presented by:

  • Friedhelm Schmider, President of Knowledge4Innovation, Director General, ECPA
  • Gernot Klotz, Executive Director, Research and Innovation, Cefic

Interventions from the floor:

  • Karine Iffour, IEEE
  • Anna Voseckova, CZELO
  • Further interventions from the floor are encouraged.
  • Responses by:
  • Jerzy Buzek, MEP, Vice-Chair of the K4I Forum of the European Parliament, Former President of the European Parliament
  • Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP, Chair of the K4I Forum of the European Parliament
  • Representatives of the other institutions are welcome to respond.

Complete conference program