Dear Dušan,
Knowledge4Innovation is delighted to invite you to a special K4I Forum debate and reception: “Wake up Europe: A Call for Action - The Right Innovation Framework and Instruments to Secure Europe’s Future Competitiveness and Living Standards”. The event, which will be hosted by MEP Lambert Van Nistelrooij, will take place on Tuesday 26th March from 6pm until 9pm in the Members´ Restaurant of the European Parliament in Brussels.


  • Which are the main regulatory barriers impeding Innovation in Europe?
  • How to ensure a growing European economy in the years to come?
  • What are the prerequisites for developing a new innovation model in which people are at the heart of innovation?
  • How can Europe regain its lost global political and economic significance and compete with emerging economies?


  • Propose an agenda, which ensures stronger integration and more synergies along the innovation value chain.
  • Review the current regulatory framework, identify the major bottlenecks and present concrete measures for improvement.
  • Establish a sound risk approach based on qualitative science and ways to reverse the anti-technology sentiment that inhibits European development
  • Ensure that the potential of patent protection, standardisation, Public Private Partnerships and smart regulation is fully exploited in order to bring ideas to the market.

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in cooperation with Novitech

The main challenge and objective of all policy makers both on EU and on Member state levels is a sustainable society. Our study conducted on level of Slovak Republic shows 3 core interrelated components which achieve this objective:

  • Practical experiment transforming administrative building into the net zero energy building shows that proper selection of the technologies allows transformation without subsides. 87% reduction of the primary energies and 96% reduction of the carbon emission have been achieved comparing to the year 1996. The limit of the transformation lies in the energy market organisation which creates economic barriers and prevents competition.
  • Study of energy market shows importance of the social cost of the carbon emission used in the form of the green credits and consumption tax which in dynamic interrelation could create driving force for transformation of the market and at the same time stable market environment suitable for the long term investment. The study shows interrelation between energy, carbon emissions and GDP and between energy technologies and future pensions.
  • Observed facts from 10 years long transformation of the PAYG social security system in Slovakia into I. and II. Pillar indicates that new distribution of roles between state and private sector is needed for pension reforms. This will solve inequality issue among insured persons and remove conflict of interest between asset and account management creating at present extra cost and squeezing down the future pensions. Individual accounts create the base for new arrangement of intergeneration transfers within the three generation family and could solve the free ride problem and large family disintegration.
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from Novitech breakfast debate

  • Cyclic crises on different markets are underlined with long term non recovery transformation process with value change.
  • Two main problems has been identified:
    • Climate change
    • Technology crises
  • Chaos on energy market as a consequence of European market deregulation and Energy Climate package is one of the roots of the present crises supported by the decision of European Court of Justice. Revision of PreussenElektra AG v Schhleswag AG [2001] EUECJ C-379/98 is suggested.
  • Long term 15 years of transformation towards sustainable society based on eco technologies (renewable, nano and bio technologies) with least investment and resource allocation seems to be the answer of the present society and economy problems.
  • 16 years practical incremental innovation without used any subsidies concerned with systematic office building transformation of about 5000 m2 floor space has been demonstrated. Presented solution address the both main problems and could save in comparison with the year 1996:
    • more than 90% of carbon emission
    • more than 80% primary energy sources
    • new technology used provides higher quality of inner building climate and solve heat waves impact which causes fatal collapses of EU citizens
  • The knowledge curve for social cost of carbon has been suggested as suitable tool for strategic planning, decisions and regulations
  • High volatility on carbon market with cap and trade system is due to uncertainty of economy processes. It prevents investment into energy market and cause chaos on it
  • Cheap transparent transformation process has been presented for carbon reduction policy
  • Corruption has been discussed and demonstrated that CPI from Transparency International could be used as risk premium in evaluation models
  • Removing 10% of corruption double the society income in EU states
  • It has been concluded that corruption blocks the progress of society based on innovation

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